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slider is not defined

The Association Creuset des Jeunes pour le Développement et l’Epanouissement Integral des Populations (ACJDEIP) was created on May 22, 2006 and obtained the association receipt on March 2, 2007 under number 0143/MAT-SG-DAPOC-DOCA which receipt was revised on November 19, 2012 under No. 1301/MATDCL -SGDLPAP-DOCA following the change of the acronym ACJDEIP to CREUSET. Its commitment in the field in favor of the empowerment of vulnerable populations and especially the protection and promotion of children’s rights allowed it to gain NGO status on March 12, 2012 under number 638 / PR / MPDAT / 2012 , then the signing of a program agreement with the Togolese government on August 27, 2013 under No. 481/PR/MPDAT/2013.

The NGO CRUSET TOGO with its headquarters located in the Central Region (Sokodé), has 5 branches, the main office (Headquarters) is in Sokodé and the offices of the secondary branches in Kara, Bassar, Sotouboua and Blitta.

In addition, the NGO Creuset Togo also has a representation in Lomé (Focal Point) This geographical grid allows the NGO CRUSET TOGO to be close to its targets and to carry out effective work with the technical and financial support of development partners.

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